10 Things About Me

Although I regularly drop in bits and bobs about my life on here, I don’t think I’ve ever sat down and formally introduced myself. In real life friendships, you gradually find out everything about someone through conversations, meeting friends and family, and drunken emotional chats. Blogging doesn’t really give you these opportunities, so I figured I’d do a 10 things about me post for any of you who might be interested. Which is probably not that many, but oh well!

I’ve always wanted long blonde hair, when I was a kid I used to cry whenever I had my hair cut as “Disney princesses have long hair.”

I’ve moved house 13 times, and changed school 6 times.

I’ve recently graduated, and while I’m happy in my job I miss the sleeping in, chilling out and generally not giving a crap about the world.

I was a pescetarian for 6 months when I was 16 (didn’t eat meat, but ate fish) but stopped as I found it hard to get nice food at college or on meals out. I recently stopped eating meat again after reading that 10 million turkeys are sold in the UK exclusively for Christmas day.

I’ve been with my boyfriend for three years, which is a quite a long time for my age I think! Before Scott, I’d only ever had flings and dates as I had no interest in being tied down.

I want a Samoyed puppy and Bengal kitten more than anything, and I spent a lot of my time looking at pets for sale around Leeds. I can’t buy any until I have a nice house and whatever, which breaks my heart.

I spent most of the first part of my life living in the north, and the latter half before university in the south. People always pick up on my accent and ask where I’m from as it’s so unobvious, and all my southern friends tell me I sound northern and all my northern friends tell me I sound southern.

I volunteered for a few weeks in India, visiting slums and talking to young girls about how education could help to break the poverty cycle they’re in, and visiting patients in a mental health hospice and putting on musical and art activities as we didn’t have a translator.

I’ve been to eight festivals since I was 16, and my favourite has to be Isle of Wight. The first time I went it was just me and my best friend, and we had a pop up tent and there was a storm and it was such a disaster but it’s also one of my best memories. We ended up sleeping in drenched sleeping bags for three nights, and my work found out I wasn’t actually sick, but it was so worth it.

I’ve done a lot of stupid and irresponsible things in the past few years, but I honestly do not regret a single thing. I had a lot of fun, and no one ever got hurt. I’ve definitely grown up a lot in the past year, but I’m sure I’ll do lots more stupid things in the next few years! That’s what being young is for, and I’d much rather have that secretive smirk when I get asked what I was like in my 20s than be able to say “I was sensible”.

It’s impossible to sum up a person in 10 facts, but this is my best attempt at it. If you were to ask my friends what I was like, the answer would probably be something like “weird, but fun”. I’m happy with that!

What’s something people don’t know about you?


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