Cohorted Launch

Hello lovelies!

Today I am going to talk to you a little bit about Cohorted. Hopefully by now you’ve seen them flying around Twitter, but if not do not worry as I will fill you in!

I’m actually an intern at Cohorted, I co-manage their Twitter and Facebook accounts, and I have also been contacting bloggers to work with Cohorted by hosting a giveaway for us. Cohorted is an online, social shopping site which holds cohorts- where a product is available to ‘want’ for a week. ‘Wanting’ this product means you commit to buy, and when you do that, the price drops. So the more people who ‘want’ the product, the more the price drops. At the moment, there is an Urban Decay NakedĀ 3 palette which can go as low as 50% off! And I promise you, the company is 100% legit. In fact, Jordan (my manager and the co-founder) is one of the nicest guys ever. He even bought us cake today!

The best part about Cohorted is you are in control of the price. If you want something to get cheaper, tweet about it and promote it- the more people who buy it, the more the price drops :) you can also request Cohorts, so if a product is popular enough, we’ll get it in!

I love Cohorted. I’ve learnt loads about social media through it, and it’s the reason why I started blogging! Plus the concept is great :) so help us out and check us out!

Oh if you have 500 bloglovin followers and want to work with us, let me know and I’ll get in touch :)


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