I love social media. When I say love, I am actually physically addicted to it a little bit. When deciding what ‘thing’ was my thing, my friends said Twitter. I just love it. The problem occurs is that, when everyone only posts the highlights of their life, I feel like I’m some kind of weird person who is lagging behind in the life goal department.
According to life on Instagram, everyone has perfect skin and hair and healthy meals and constant skinny days. Facebook tells me that everyone is getting married, having babies and buying houses. Twitter is full of people doing really well at life. And I am just floating along, wishing I could spend my life in my PJs. I feel like I should always look my best, be out having fun, growing up and knowing what I want to do for the rest of my life, and I just don’t for any of these. Does this make me a shit person?
I’ve seen a lot of posts recently, about the pressure to feel like you should have your life together in your 20s. This pressure is real, and I think it’s partly because we don’t discuss the weird and wonderful behind-the-scenes of being the average Jane. So I am here to tell you all the stuff it’s okay to do, even if you don’t tell anyone about it.
It’s okay if…
You’d rather spend your Friday night with your duvet, a hot chocolate and Netflix than in a club
You spend more hours a week pinning ‘fitspo’ on Pinterest than actually working out
You take 50 selfies to get the perfect one…
… And the get excited when people like it on Instagram
Your diet will start on Monday. For serious, this time
You only shave your legs for ‘occasions’, whatever that might be
You’re not even sure what a mortgage is, let alone how to get one
You can’t get through your period without chocolate, tissues and emotional films
You spend hours each day bored, scrolling through Twitter even though you’ve sworn you’ll cut down on social media
You dream about winning the lottery so you can retire at the ripe age of 25
You still Facebook stalk people from school, and then text your friend about it
Your only life plans involve being warm and having a walk in shoe wardrobe
You get embarrassingly drunk off two vodkas
Basically, it’s okay if you haven’t got your shit together, okay?
Do you think there’s pressure to be at a certain stage in your life in your 20s nowadays? Or do you do any of these? Let me know in the comments!