OOTD / Pretty In Pink

This is just a quick outfit of the day, as the boyfriend still has not learnt to take good photos. Bless him.

OOTD swing dress pink boyfriend coat

Rapunzel sun necklace

I’m wearing my pale pink boyfriend coat from Debenhams, an Aztec swing Glamour dress from Bank, boots from New Look and this sun necklace from ASOS. I got the necklace as it reminded me of Tangled and basically I really want to be a Disney princess. Sadly it broke (not surprising because the chain is so delicate) but ASOS were babes about it- they refunded me without even needing it back!

Has anyone get any tips for getting others to take good outfit photos? I can’t afford a camera/ tripod combo until summer so having to stick with the boyfriend at the moment!

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  1. Corinne · February 28, 2014 Reply

    I was about to say that the necklace reminded me of tangled!

    What type of camera are you using now? If you’ve not got a very good ones then my tips would be make the most of lighting, if you face the sun and your boyf has his back to the camera it should help. Also try to keep the background as clear as possible so it doesn’t distract from the outfit.

    Corinne x

    • indiabenjamin · February 28, 2014 Reply

      I just use my phone, it’s the Nokia Lumia 1020 so it has like a 41mp camera and all different options for focusing, lighting, other stuff I don’t quite know yet… When I’m taking photos I can get really clear pictures (although my background is always crap as my student house is terrible) but wordpress seems to distort the size and shape which is odd! Xx

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