Naissance Haul / Natural Ingredients for DIY Beauty

I love natural oils and DIY beauty treatments, so after reading All Natural Inspirations a few times, I was inspired to buy a few things I haven’t tried before, and start experimenting with making my own products! My main reason was actually because my nails keep splitting, and apparently nail hardener weakens them in the long run (!) so I decided to take the matters into my own hands.

All Natural Beauty DIY Products

I didn’t particularly do any research when buying these! I love winging recipes. I got castille soap because I’ve wanted to try making my own shampoo for a while, and this ingredient pops up a lot! You get a lot for what you pay, especially considering most recipes don’t call for a big amount. I have about two shampoos left from my Aussie, and then will try and find a recipe. I got macadamia nut oil purely for the reason that I like macadamia nuts, and I like nut oils. Simple!
Beeswax are used in basically every lip balm recipe I’ve found, which is why I bought them.
Shea butter I always see as an ingredient in beauty products, and avacado butter just interested me haha!

So far, I’ve made some lip balm and some hair butter (which is AMAZING). I didn’t use a recipe and I adjusted them both to get it perfect so I can’t say how but next time I will write it down and blog about it!

If you want to get any natural ingredients, check out the Naissance Amazon shop.

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All Natural Beauty IngredientsBeauty Haulgreen blogger
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