Sample Sunday #5

Good morning lovelies! Today’s sample is one of those samples that actually last a couple of weeks because they’re not in a sachet. I think all samples should be like that, don’t you? You can’t really tell the long term benefits of a product in a sample, so it has to be amazing to want to splurge out! That being said, I did buy the Soap & Glory Be Youthful Serum I tried in one of my Sample Sundays as it really boosted my skin!

Clarins Daily Energizer Wake Up Booster

Anyway, the sample of this week is Clarins Daily Energizer Wake-Up Booster. It’s one of those products that don’t really fit into the usual categories of skin care, and therefore has a really long name to try and tell you what it does. Which, despite the name and despite having used it for a few days, I still don’t get! According to the little box, it’s a ‘skin drink’ which has been created to revive skin vitality, and it’s to be used before your regular skin routine every morning.

I like the smell of this skin drink, it’s really subtle but it reminds me of the smell of products my mum used to wear. It doesn’t have a smell I can describe sadly, it’s not fruity or musky, it’s just nice. To use, I just dab a bit onto a cotton wool and wipe on my face after cleaning, and before using my Heal Gel and moisturiser. It’s quite a weird feel, normally when I use a cotton wool pad it’s with a cleanser or toner, but this has a filmy feel to it, almost as if there is some oil in the mixture. It is refreshing, but as far as I can tell that’s all it does.

I took to Google it see if I could uncover the mystery that was this booster. Apparently, the ingredients it contains give your skin vitamin C, antioxidants and extracts that stimulates and strengthens the skin to keep it looking balanced and healthy. Maybe my skin is already too healthy for this to work, ha!

You can get this at Boots for £16.50, but I personally wouldn’t recommend it. If you already cleanse, tone, serum and moisturise I just can’t see you needing to add this in as a step! Unless your skin is ridiculously rough, and I really doubt that.

What samples have you been trying out?



About indiabenjamin

My favourite things in life is cosy pyjamas, food, and bed. I also like running, spending hours on social media, and working on my blog.

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