Tangle Teezer* Review

The only way to describe my hair is a nuisance. It isn’t curly, it isn’t straight, it’s just a frizzy knotty mess. No matter what I do with it, it reverts to a big tangle minutes after styling and by the end of the day it is beyond ridiculous! I’ve wanted a Tangle Teezer* for ages, like years, but have never got around to it because there are plenty of hair brushes out there that aren’t £10 and I was happy to battle my hair day after day, ripping out clumps and leaving my hair open to shedding and breakage.

I’ve noticed recently that my hair has started to thin out, which really worried me. My hair is quite thick naturally, but only because I have a lot of it so I figured the thinning was partly due to the insane amount I shed, and partly due to the fact I don’t look after my hair as much as I could do. I was sent the Tangle Teezer by The Hut to review and I don’t think it could have come at a better time!

Tangle Teezer review

Shall I get a Tangle Teezer

Stop hair thinning

The Tangle Teezer is pretty much the exact shape of your palm, which allows for a good grip despite the obvious lack of handle. There are two sizes of teeth, long and short, which works to magically get rid of tangles in one stroke. I don’t know how it works, but you don’t question things like that. As well as making brushing a little less painful, it cuts down on the amount of hair you pull lose, and I find it distributes products a lot more evenly. The only thing I would say the Tangle Teezer isn’t particularly useful for is for styling, but I have a collection of brushes and combs so I use the Tangle Teezer to de-knot, and then use my round brush for styling.

I’ve only been using the teezer for a few weeks but I’ve already noticed I have less fall out than I used to where I’m not battling with my hair, and during brushing, there is also less ends snapping off and littering my floor. I think it will take a while for me to see my hair getting it’s thickness back (because let’s face it, it didn’t happen overnight) but I feel a lot more confident in the fact that I am no longer treating my hair like a piece of crap.

Would I recommend spending £10 on a brush? Astonishingly, I would. It’s quite steep but it really does protect your hair from breakages, and cuts through knots and tangles so easily without ripping your hair apart. It also reduces shedding (from my experience, anyway) and smoothes down your hair.

Detangles and brushes hair easily
Reduces breakages and shedding

More expensive than your average hair brush – worth it though.

You can buy the Tangle Teezer from Look Fantastic, they have pretty much every variety available, from the original, the ones with the handles, the compacts, and even ones for kids!

What hair brush do you use?

About indiabenjamin

My favourite things in life is cosy pyjamas, food, and bed. I also like running, spending hours on social media, and working on my blog.

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2 Responses to Tangle Teezer* Review

  1. Becky says:

    I own one of these, used it a couple of times then went back to my usual comb. I’m not sure why, it just never found it’s place in my routine. I’ll have to dig it out again and have another go since summer is making my hair shred quite a lot at the moment!

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