OOTD / Monochrome Knits

I feel like I am getting slightly more into the swing of outfit posts than I was when I started. I feel very slightly less stupid trying to pose, although I can’t do it if there is anyone but my and the boyfriend in the street! I have yet to find a photo that has captured my inner model though haha!


I got given this jumper from my step mum. My dad gave it to her for their first Christmas, but they had only been seeing each other a few weeks so he obviously didn’t know what her style was. She kept it as a sentiment, and I got given it a while ago when they realised I basically live in big jumpers.

I think everything else I have on is Topshop! All AW13 or before, so no links I’m afraid. The jeans are Joni super high waisted, and are really flattering for most figures.

In other news, I finished my dissertation last week! Not sure how I feel being so close to finishing university. I may have an emotional break down when it happens, but right now I can’t wait to be free!

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