Yankee’s Winter Wonderland

What have I become? Candles, for Christ sake. Candles! I am such a cliche. The first time I even paid attention to a Yankee Candle was when Scott went on this hour long rant in first year about how stupid they were, because how can A Child’s Wish have a scent? After that, I carried on with life, oblivious to the fact there are people who practically worship candles out in the world.

Then I started blogging.

It took me a year before I really paid attention to candles, I’d skim over candle posts and roll my eyes and wonder how people cared about candles. Then this year, we took a trip to House of Fraser to pick up some Christmas presents, got waylaid in the Yankee Candle section and I converted. I bought a Christmas Cookie candle and a Salted Caramel tart and I sniffed them for about two hours and realised I officially loved Yankee Candles. As did Scott, despite still hating the names they chose. Well done Yankee, well done.

Yankee Candle Winter Wonderland

Yankee Candle review

Best Yankee Candle

I saw this Winter Wonderland Yankee Candle set in a Lloyds Pharmacy for £12. Now I don’t know if you have bought a Yankee Candle before, but these sized ones are £1.70 so this set is worth £20.40, and most places online are selling it for £22, or £42 if you look on eBay for some bizarre reason, so picking it up for £12, not on sale, seems to be a rare feat. I bought it as part of Scott’s Christmas present, and he was delighted when it arrived. It was one of those presents that are kind of for someone else, but also kind of for you at the same time. Shh.

The book contains a mix of fruity, spicy, buttery sweet and earthy scents-

- Christmas Eve
- Season of Peace
- Candy Cane Lane
- Christmas Garland
- Snowflake Cookie
- Snow in Love
- Sugared Apple
- Red Apple Wreath
- Christmas Cookie
- Christmas Memories
- Icicles
- Cranberry Ice

I’ve only tried two so far, Christmas Eve, which did smell quite Christmassy, and Snow in Love, which smelt a bit like fresh laundry. Each lasted a few days burning for a few hours (15 hours is the stated burn time) and did stay relatively strong smelling throughout. I’m not going to go through what each and everyone smells of, but they’re all very warm and welcoming smells that, if it were a piece of clothing, you’d press your nose right in until you couldn’t smell it anymore.

If you do want to buy it, you can get it here for £22 but if you’re going to be paying that price, why not just go and hand pick your favourite scents? You won’t get the pretty book but it’s eventually going to get binned so who really cares.

Have you tried Yankee Candles? Do you also hate that you love them?

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1 Comment

  1. Glam and Gor · February 2, 2015 Reply

    Great post! I love candles too! But I really afraid the sweety scents…

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