The Disney Message

Life would be 110% better as a Disney princess, right?

Disney Princesses

I bought tickets for me and my sisters to see Disney On Ice for Christmas this year. It was, hands down, the best thing I have ever done. It was the Dare to Dream version, and included Snow White, Cinderella and Tangled, in that order. I was an emotional wreck by the end of Tangled. Nothing should include incredible figure skating, 30 minute versions of Disney films, complete with original but shorted script, Disney songs and to top it off, the o2 arena filled with lanterns. Heart achingly beautiful. My sisters and I range from 15 to 26 but I can honestly, unbiasedly say that we were more amazed and unable to speak after the show than any of the kids there. I am currently feeling a little bit emotional at the thought of it and have put Tangled’s ‘I see the light’ on youtube. So good. I would advise anyone in or around the London area to get tickets for next year’s show, and to start preparing themselves now for the emotional rollercoaster that is Disney On Ice.

Anyway, it got me thinking about what a massive impact Disney has had on my life. I know there are a few critics of Disney movies because they are about beautiful girls who’s life goals are basically to end up married, really young, but I think that is coming from a completely stupid angle. The people behind this voice obviously never had the joy of watching Disney films with their siblings as a child, or dressing up as their favourite Disney character, or playing with their toy Disney companion!

For me, Disney films are about smart, albeit gorgeous girls who have a dream and the courage to pursue it. They’re about friendship, loyalty and curiosity. They taught me to respect the world, be kind to animals and to forgive those who wrong you. I’ve never watched a Disney film, either as a kid or an adult, and thought I’m so fat/ ugly/ untalented, my life is worthless. I have, however, watched Disney films and sang, laughed and yes, cried, with my friends, boyfriend, family and alone. I can’t imagine a life without Disney films and if I have kids, I am going to make it a weekly treat to watch a Disney film. I want my kids to aspire to be brave, courageous and inquisitive adults and I think that is ultimately the message Disney promotes. Critics need to chill out, eat some cakes and watch some Disney.

My all time favourite Disney film is Tangled (I can’t get enough of it!) and my old time favourite is The Hunchback of Notre Dame. What’s yours?

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  1. MDSH Company · January 10, 2014 Reply

    I know what you mean. I love Disney films. I know the lyrics to the Cinderella and Little Mermaid off by heart. Turning 30, my facination with Disney lends me to love all annimations. There is a real feel good feeling bout Disney films with solid messages. – Merly

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