Sample Sunday #10

Another Sunday, another Sample. It’s a Simple Sample. A Simple Sample Sunday. Does anyone else love ridiculously bad jokes and puns? I feel like there is a dad trapped inside me, infecting my sense of humour and making people cringe and roll their eyes whenever I crack a joke.

Simple Kind To Skin review

Anyway, enough warbling. This weeks Sample is Simple Illuminating Radiance Cream. I quite like the idea of having my skin illuminated, it reminds me of pretty things lit up in the dark. I expected a brightening effect, like my Soap & Glory Be Youthful Serum has, so I decided to skip it for the day and replace it with this. That was a mistake.

The Illuminating Radiance Cream is quite thick and needs a bit of man power to be worked into the skin. It is not one of those creams that just melts into your skin! Once I’d got it all absorbed, I inspected my face to see if my skin was illuminated to find that my skin was basically glittery. Not shimmery like you would get with a highlighter. Glittery. After my initial “oh my god” reaction, I accepted that the glitter wasn’t that bad. It wasn’t terrible. It would be more subtle underneath makeup, but I am firmly against glitter on your face!

The cream itself made quite a good moisturiser, probably down to the thickness of it. I’ve been having quite dry skin due to a mask I’m using for my spots so it was nice to have a thicker moisturiser on without looking greasy, however I’d recommend going for just the normal Simple moisturiser over the Illuminating Radiance Cream unless you want to resemble a glitter ball.

If you do fancy sparkling for the day, you can pick up the Simple Illumination Radiance Cream here.

What have you been trying out lately? Let me know in the comments!

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