Finishing One Chapter

I finish university in three months.

Everything I do and see reminds me that I won’t be a student for much longer. Staying up until the early hours of the morning because I have nothing to be up for. Sleeping in. Doing work (ahem blogging and tweeting) in my pyjamas at 4pm. Eating food that is probably out of date. Running out of clean underwear. All of these things, lazy and gross as they are, have been my life for the past three years, along with tonnes of other stuff.

Yesterday I passed my halls from first year and genuinely felt sad that the freshers part of my life was over. Gone are the days of going out three times a week, afternoon drinking and sleeping through the day. Gone are skipping lectures because it would mean missing the last episode of Come Dine With Me. In first year, I did whatever I wanted with no consequences. I had the most fun I’ve ever had and made some of the best memories.

University has seen me make new friends, become closer to my family, get together with my boyfriend and realise what I want to do when I’m older. I’ve volunteered in India, and I’ve had a pet bearded dragon! I’ve become comfortable with who I am and I’ve grown to love Leeds and see it as my home. My identity is being a student, and in three months time that is going to be taken away from me and I don’t think anything can prepare me for how I will feel.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not a wild student anymore. I don’t go out that often anymore, I’m rarely awake past 1am and I need three healthy meals a day. I hate the mess that comes with house sharing, hate being skint and I am getting seriously bored of doing a degree. I’m excited to move on from being a student. There is so much I want to do! I want to go travelling, get a job I love, get a house, a puppy. Having weekends free from retail!

All of these things are new and exciting and I know life after uni will be amazing so long as I put myself out there, it’s just being a student has been such a defining chapter in my life. I am not the same person I was in first year- there is no way I could handle how crazy I was back then! I guess I’m just scared of what is out there after university. I dread the thought of having a boring life, but I also look forward to being settled down in a few years time in a nice home- a home, not a house. Whether that is in Leeds, London or somewhere random, who knows. I can’t predict the future, and I know full well nothing ever goes the way I plan so I don’t see much point in making one! All I know is that university has been the most amazing experience of my life and I will always remember that, at one point in my life, I was truly carefree.

This is a bit of a different post to usual but finishing university is the next big step in my life and is taking up so much of my thoughts, I thought I’d share.

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  1. madaboutsocial · February 20, 2014 Reply

    If you’re nostalgic for the days of staying up until 4am and hanging around the house in your Pyjamas you need to work from home like me…. I have had more than one Skype meeting with clients in my Pyjamas…. Seriously though I miss Manchester. Halls were wild.

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