Weight Loss Wednesdays #3

Hello lovelies!

I am going to be doing my Weight Loss Wednesdays every other week, rather than weekly. I’ve only really just started getting back into the swing of things this week: up until Monday I didn’t have university so was just at home every day, bored and surrounded by food. Everything dieters don’t want! But I feel much more motivated and know from past experience that I sometimes do have to have a few weeks being crap before pulling myself together and losing weight, being healthy and getting fit.

I’m always pretty healthy, but tend to eat a lot more often than I should when I am bored, so hopefully now I am going to be (walking) to and from university, work and my internship, I won’t have time to mindlessly eat! Plus more walking and now I’m back in a routine, I have more motivation to go to the gym. When I have nothing to do, I stay in that “I’ll go later” mind frame up until it’s too late to go, whereas when I have plans I HAVE to get up and go, so I do! Anyway, hopefully my next WLW I’ll have some weight loss to brag about :) although this month brings four birthday nights out so might be hindered slightly!

How do you stay motivated for weight loss goals?

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