Back to Blonde!

Since discovering hair dye at 16, I have been constantly to-ing and fro-ing across the entire blonde-brown spectrum. I recently dyed my hair brown as going away over summer had turned my blonde hair yellow, and I couldn’t be bothered to deal with bleaching and silver shampoo. I suit more colours when I’m blonde, but don’t feel comfortable being extremely blonde anymore so decided to do a DIY highlight. I’ve done this a few times before and am pretty adept at it, but do not try this if you are a hair dye virgin!DIY dye hair blonde highlights

I went for chunky highlights around my face, thinner highlights around the back and underneath, and very lightly dip dyed ends. I also only highlighted from the ears down, and left it on for about 5 – 10 minutes less than the recommended time for natural looking highlights.

If you want to check it out, here is my hair journey.

What do you think? Have you ever attempted highlights at home?

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