Vodka Jelly

I hate jelly. The texture makes me gag and want to be sick. But, I love throwing a shindig and getting drunk and vodka jelly is absolutely ideal for that. It all started with a barbeque, years back, and since then I’ve regularly rolled these bad boys out when the occasion calls for it. Tip: the more vodka you put in, the less jelly it goes. I went a bit crazy once, and the shots turned out to be jelly flavoured vodka with a thin layer of jelly on the top. That’s also why, when you buy vodka jelly, they’re not even remotely watery. I bet there isn’t any vodka in really.

How to make vodka jelly

135g jelly cubes (should be one pack!)
250ml vodka
150ml boiling water
200ml cold water

Dissolve the jelly in the boiling water, and leave to cool for 10 minutes before adding the old water, and then the vodka. Don’t add the vodka into the boiling water, it will dissolve and you’ll have no vodka left! Poor into plastic shot glasses (you can get like 40 for £2 from Asda), leave to chill overnight in the fridge, or minimum three hours.

The good thing about vodka jelly is no one will judge you how they turn out, as they’ll already be drunk. I’ve made peach schnapps jelly and malibu jelly before, which both work really well and taste a lot more fun. I always make my vodka jelly’s in shots, but you could use them wherever jelly normally goes, like trifle or whatever. I’ve made a tower of vodka jelly’s before, which looked amazing but left me on edge all evening every time someone brushed past the table.

What is your favourite vodka jelly flavour?


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  1. Elizabeth · September 16, 2014 Reply

    I can honestly say I’ve never tried vodka jelly! I love jelly though, and I’m pretty fond of vodka too, so my not having ever tried it is surprising!

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