The Plank Challenge

Did you ever watch the old series of Supersize V Superskinny where Anna Richardson would try all these fad diets and exercises and report back on how it worked? This would literally be my dream job, I freaking love doing stuff like that! I’ve already tried, and blogged, about the Teatox craze that hit Instagram over winter, and next week I will be bringing you my experience of Juice Plus, so I thought I would branch out and trial the Plank Challenge for a month and report back to you all.

Plank challenge

Now, if you’ve never heard of the plank challenge, I’m going to assume you have a) never been on Pinterest b) never been on the internet or c) aren’t really from Planet Earth. Either way, I’m not going to discriminate against you, all my readers are entitled to my love, extraterrestrial or not. The plank is a horrible, awful ab exercise where you balance on your feet and lower arms/ elbow, with your back poker straight. This means you are relying entirely on your core muscles to support your entire body. I’ve dabbled in the plank before, and do like to do an occasional one to make me feel I’ve worked my booty off after a good gym session, but I can’t seem to get over the 45 second mark for holding one without collapsing. If you think that’s a really short amount of time, go ahead and try it yourself.

The plank challenge is a challenge which involves you slowly building up your plank hold from 20 seconds to (wait for it…) 5 minutes, in 30 days. Now I can’t imagine ever being able to hold a plank for 5 minutes, but I’m going to Mexico in less than two months and I would really love abs of steel so I’m going to attempt this challenge and let you know how it goes!

There are loads of other challenges out there, squat challenges, push up challenges, you name the exercise, there is probably a challenge. The squat challenge is next on my list, I really want a squat bum! Aim for 2014, I think. Squat bum and washboard abs. I may need to cut down on the kitkat consumption, wah!

Have you ever attempted any fitness challenges before? What are your favourite fitness tips!

fitnesshealthy livingplank challenge
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