Sample Sunday #17

Saturday morning I woke up like, crap I’ve not tried out any samples this week! It’s been my second week at my new job and I’ve been going to the gym every day, getting used to the buses (or not, as it seems) and being happy, but generally tired, so blogging is taking a bit of a step back whilst I adjust, I’m now posting five times a week rather than daily. I start training for a half marathon tomorrow so I can’t see it coming back up anytime soon!

Aestelance Mud Mask

Aestalance Mud Mask beauty blog review

Anyway, Saturday was a lazy day so I decided to try out a sample of Aestelance Mud Mask (for hair). I’ve really not had any clue of what to do with my hair for so long, the colour bores me and the length bores me and it’s just very generic boring hair but I’m too scared to dye it or cut it. Feel free to choose my hair path for me? I think the sample I have is a different formula to the mud mask they currently have, as my sample said to leave on for up to 60 minutes and on their website it says up to 15 minutes, but for the sake of this post I shall pretend it’s the same.

What they say:

“This instant moisturizing treatment is a combination of Dead Sea mud and minerals, and natural herb extracts. Mud mask leaves your hair feeling silky smooth. It supplies vital elements, prevents flaking, makes hair more manageable and adds sheen.”

You have to shampoo your hair before using this, and I hate showering to re-shower so I found myself leaning over the shower while Scott basically hosed my head down. He is not meant to be a hairdresser, let me tell you that. Once I’d de-tangled my hair, I massaged the mask in. It feels quite slimy, but smells gorgeous; fresh and clean. I had to use the whole tub to cover my hair root to tip, which isn’t actually that bad compared to the amount of conditioner I use.

The sample I have is meant to be covered and exposed to gentle heat for 5 – 60 minutes, which is a faff! I fell asleep with it in so kept it in for a few hours by accident before washing it out. The new formula is just a 3 – 15 minute after shampoo treatment, so basically an intense conditioner, which is a lot more convenient. Although this is meant to be washed out and that’s it, I actually shampooed and conditioned after the treatment as it has silicones in and I’m trying to avoid them. One off uses don’t really concern me, but I’d still rather wash it!

Despite the fact that I washed my hair after using this, the mask really moisturised my hair! I’m talking seriously soft and silky, to the point that I couldn’t stop running my fingers through my hair. Lovely! It’s as if I used an intensive mask, but without weighing down my hair.

I really how silky and hydrated this made my hair, and if it wasn’t for the silicones I’d definitely buy this and use it as a weekly treatment. The thing is, silicones aren’t that bad for your hair but my hair does look so much healthier now I’ve cut down on products with them in and I don’t want to reverse that! If you’re not bothered about silicone, and most people aren’t, I would say this is a really good product, especially if heavier conditioners weigh down your hair. You can buy Astelance Mud Mask here for £17.

What are your favourite hair treatments? Have you ever used a hair mud before?

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